Save money shopping. Even up to 40% cash back.
Joining Ebates is free and simple. You can create an account with Facebook or email & password. Once you have your account set up you can redirect to 2000+ shopping pages like Amazon, Groupon, Macy’s and many more. Each shop will have their own deals which are usually between 3-5% cash back.
Additionally you can register your credit/debit card with Ebates as well and earn your points shopping in store.
Once you register your new account and spend $25 shopping you will receive a $10 bonus.
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Bare in mind promotions may add up.
I found a good deal in Saks for a purse which was discounted from $300 to $100, Saks had their own promotion 20% off during weekend which meant my bag was now $80. Since this was more than $25 purchase I received $10 coupon and earned 9% for Saks purchase which was $7,20. All in all I paid $80 for the purse but now have $17,20 on my Ebates account.
You must be thinking, how can I use the cashback money?
It is simple. Ebates will send you a “big fat check” as a check or on your PayPal account. Dates of the transactions are set and you can check them in the profile.
Check out for yourself and gat your cashback. Click here and start earning with Ebates.
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Related: How to get $500 in March 2017
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