70 + places to promote your last post

Starting a business is an interesting journey. You have a product you believe in and you want to share it with others and make some money. When you are opening a shop you probably will be thinking about a promotion. What is the best location so that people can see it passing by, how to arrange your products in the shop to look more appealing, which products go higher on a shelf, what should be in the window, and so on. Finally, you are ready and open a shop. To your great surprise, you don’t see many people coming to the shop. They pass without interest or they simply go other way and don’t have a chance to see it. You realize you need even more promotion, you may put stands outside, print leaflets and leave them in nearby restaurants. With all that more people are able to see your product. You still don’t see much sales though. You start thinking what may be the issue. Your product is great, you promote it but somehow it still seems invisible. You probably also heard a saying “Show me, don’t tell me” you know you need to have clients that would promote your product to become successful. How does it translate into your a blog post promotion? You need to find a place where you can promote your posts so that it reaches more people. Pinterest is of course only one of many ways to promote your blog, but for those who use it (over 150 Million monthly users), the more original and pleasant looking pin makes a great difference. You may ask why so many boards, well the more boards you have the more people you reach.

board booster

BoardBooster will help you manage Pining on your Pinterest boards.

I prepared a long list of Pinterest boards, created by bloggers for bloggers. You can sign up to those boards and share your latest posts. Try to make your pins original so that it would make people curious to pin it and read your post in free time. Most of those board are for any type of posts while some are focused on some topics like food, travel or blogging tips. When you share your pins try to stick to the main theme as owners have the right to remove pinners if they don’t comply. All rules are clearly stated on each board. You should also be ready to repin other’s people content, it mostly works 1 to 1. You add 1 pin and you save someone else’s pin.


1 all about money
2 all the POSTS we care about
3 AGAHP Blogging Group Board
4 best of tips and tricks
5 blog about it
6 Blog Share Board!
7 Blogger’s Best
8 Blogging Group Board
9 #BossMoms
10 **Lifestyle Bloggers Group Board**
12 | Mom | Foodie | Lifestyle | Blogs |
13 + Group Blog Board Share +
14 ✿ Pin Your Best Pins ✿
15 A Life Well Lived
16 A-List Blogs (Group Board)
18 Best Blog Posts {Group Board}
19 best of blogging

20 Best of Pinterest
21 Best of the Best Blog Posts
22 Blog Group Board!
23 Blog Promotion Group Board
24 Blogger Connection Group
25 bloggers anonymous
26 Blogger’s Best
27 Bloggers Meeting zone!
28 Bloggers on Pinterest
29 Bloggers Post Share
30 Bloggers Time Group Board: Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel, Parent, Creative, Blog + Biz
31 Blogging Boost
32 Blogging Buddies
34 Blogging passion!
35 Coffee-Loving Bloggers
36 elite bloggers
37 Everything But The Blog
38 Extra income ideas
39 Female Bloggers Free for All


You may also like:

40 Finance & Lifestyle Bloggers Group
41 Financial Independence
42 Group Board for Bloggers
43 Grow Your Business + Blog
44 G&L Bloggers Board
45 helpful tips
46 Jot to Jot blogging group
47 Let’s Blog About It!
48 Life style blogging
49 Lovely Bloggers
50 Millennial Mindset Group Board
51 Money saving bloggers
52 money saving hints and tips
53 Mostly Blogging Group Board
54 Pin all the things
55 Pin Your Heart Out
56 Pinlikecrazy
57 Pinterest Lifestyle Blogs
58 Pinteresting Bloggers
59 POST YOUR BLOG! Bloggers promote here

60 Promote Your Blog
61 Promote Your Blog!
62 Recipe Hunter Blog Group Board
63 SBB Blog Babes!
64 Share the Blog Love
65 Share Your Best Pin
66 Share your blog
67 share your blog!
68 Share Your Blog With The World!
69 The Best of Lifestyle & Blogging


Popular posts:

72 the very best of bloggers
73 top bloggers
74 Top Blogs – Pinterest Viral Board
75 top millennial blogs

If you have a group board, please comment and I will add to this list.

Pin for later:


70+ places to promote your blog post allthestufficareaboutPin this image on Pinterest

Photo credit: Gary Pepper


Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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