
Jason Capital made $1m at 24, repeating to himself everyday


Identity level shift. If you say this you don’t say other stuff


I choose to live by choice

Not by a chance

To be motivated not manipulated 

To be useful not used

To make changes not excuses

To excel not compete

I choose self esteem not self pity

I choose to listen to my inner voice not the random opinions of others

I choose to do things otheres will not

So i can continue to do the things others can’t


When you decide to put yourself first, your life, friends, relationships , career, bank account will reflect exactly that


You are magic


When you focus on you, you grow. Where your focus (3rd eye) goes your energy will flow to

Focus on the things that are good in your life

It will get better for you


Jim carrey 10m usd story

I am popular actor

Every director wants to work with me

Open my arms and imagine all the things i wanted coming my way




what i want also wants me

everything works out perfectly for me

my manifestations come to me effortlessly and i am worthy of my dreams

it’s already mine


all i want has already been created, done and given to me as a birthright

i can not want what i can not have- all i want is meant to be mine

getting what i want is natural and easy


I receive more money than i can imagine. I am loved, safe and fulfilled 

It feels amazing i can do what i want, i can travel

I am good no matter what


i accept and love myself unconditionally

i respect my own boundries

i am grateful for all that i have

i attract loving and positive people to my life

i am love


Manifestation – all i got to do is put my mind to this shit


I am a good person and good things are meant for me. Fun, fullfilment, ease, follow my dreams


I bring forward the best, highest and most loving people, events, and circumstances into my life


We are all subconsciously connected 

Thats why when we think of someone they reach out

We can subconsciously sense when other people are thinking about us

And we can sence whether those thoughts are good or bad

Sending you bliss joy and happiness. Feel happy for you and wish you great day


I am beautiful kind and loving person


You are someones hero

I am incredible

Act of kindness can make a difference 

You cant save people but you can guide them to save themselves


I am gonna win in life

High standards

Self love and self respect

Don’t overvalue other people opinions

Push yourself to be better everyday

Do things you love with people you love


i trust the universe to give me exactly what i want

visualise the feeling you will feel when you get the things you desire

and let go


Universe loves me

I have the best life

I love my life

Im so grateful 

I am abandunce 

Abandunce is inside of me

I attract more abandunce with every breath i breathe


You don’t have everything you want because on the subconscious level you are either scared to have it or have limiting belief that’s getting in the way of you manifesting that

Your subconscious is running the show


Be the woman who others have on vision board


Best things in life are already mine


When u stop gardening your fruits die

Keep visualizing


I am open to miracles


Dean graziosi and tom bilou

As soon as i wake up i try to think of sth im grateful for

Im here, awesome


I am abandunce the universe loves me, my needs and desires are all fulfilled now. I am a magnet for wealth. I always attract the best people, opportunities and circumstances. Money flows to me easily effortlessly and continuously 


Vision board


Think of all the thongs you want to achieve in life


Custom bucket list


tomorrow morning if you do wake up, most people think other people die, mortality is a real thing 150k people don’t wake up every day

give yourself a big smile when you wake up – btw 385k kids are born everyday, 140m per year, estimate 10bn people in 2056 250 babies are born every minute


I always feel like i can do anything (Kanye)People are controlled by their thought, their perception of themselves


mind loves to answer questions. What do i want and why do i want it


How god works


Make a list of all the stuff that makes me feel bit less confident : someone in my life, relationship redundant work negative people. Start recognizing and eliminating this things in your life and use saved tome working on you


List of the shit i should not do




Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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