Become a lingerist – ideas to make $100k/month

Have you ever thought of becoming a lingerist or permanent makeup artist? If you had your brows done by lingerist you already know how lucrative the business is.

I know it may sound out of the blue why would you want to become lingerist. You probably think it is a job for females who studied cosmetology. You couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact one of the most recognizable in this field is @browdaddy who charges $950 per client and $3200 for his training masterclass.

permanent makeup brows

The reason I bring this idea to you is because becoming a permanent make up artist is a lot easier than you might think and as long as you have a sense of beauty you can quickly learn this. 


Importance of brows

Since we are living in this “perfect” instagram world, where everybody posts only the most flattering pics of themselves, (also often altered) we subconsciously want to look feel and be better, which is good to some extent. 

Amount of instagram influencers, models, youtube beauty gurus and celebrities is only growing constantly. In 2018, beauty-related content generated more than 169 billion views on youtube.

So what it takes to look beautiful on instagram? – Only 5 aspects

  1. Hair
  2. Complexion – if you are dealing with any discoloration, acne or anything that makes your skin uneven just put some foundation to fix that
  3. Brows
  4. Makeup
  5. A perfectly edited Photo

Some people go to extreme measures and use botox, lip fillers and reconstruct their jaws.

Brows have not been an item for a very long time, unlike hair, complexion or makeup. Which created a new oportunity.

brow filling micro pigmentstion lingeristPin this image on Pinterest

You can fill your brows every day, but its time consuming and takes a lot of precision to do it right. To save you some time the permanent makeup industry took over.


My personal brow history

My brow history starts in high school. I think at this time I started going to cosmetician to shape my brows and do henna. For good 8 years my brows looked great, always looking simmilar and even. But then my cosmetitian changed her profession and ever since I could not find a person to to this job right. I always was unhappy as my brows looked like disaster. At some point I started looking for permanent makeup artist on instagram. I would type in “permamentmakeupartistwroclaw #permanentmakeupartistnyc #lingeristwroclaw #lingeristnyc but to my surprise those hashtags did not provide to much of a choice ?!

At some point I found @ewastaniszewska profile. At that time she had over 200k instagram followers. She started growing her account as an instagram model and as she is a beautiful and talented woman she gained a lot of followers. At some point she realised she can monetise on her following. After working as a make up artist for 8 years she signed up for a training and became a lingerist. Showcasing her work on her social media brought her many clients and I was one of them.

How much can you earn as a lingerist

During the day I had my first appointment she had 4 clients which at that time would bring her 4000PLN per day, that is roughly 100K per month! Mind you that the training of 3000PLN and machine for 10000PLN  were not a big expense, with all the furniture for her studio she said she only spent 20k to start her business.


How I became a lingerist

My first though was, I need to bring this idea to my younger sister- she is awesome in makeup and loves to paint. I realized she can learn that quickly. I was willing to  help her with the clients trainings and studio. She got excited, but then she got busy with other things and didn’t show any interest.

I was still pumped with this idea so I decided I will go to a training myself. I had a 1:1 training and 7 models to practice on during the 3-day course. As much as I got great feedback from my trainer and the brows I made looked amazing I couldnt handle the back pain, literally after 1st day of the course I came home, lie in bed and fell asleep. Woke up and went to do brows for 3 more clients the next day and the next day.

I have lordosis and it might have caused the pain. I brought it up to my trainer and Ewa, but they never experienced any back pain, so I guess it was just me. It might also be that I had way too many clients per day. I would probably be fine with 1 client per day. Anyways I have my certificate and I might become a lingerist one day 🙂

Why I think this is for almost everyone – with a sense of beauty (that is important, cause if you can’t match the right color of the pigment to skin tone and hair or can’t draw a nice shape of brows, then it is not for you as you can’t learn that.


Drawing the shape – permanent makeup

Drawing the shape isn’t that hard, it is way easier to do it on someone else that on yourself. You get all the gadgets to help you with drawing and you do it with pencil till the client says: yes I want this shape. You measure the length, the thickness, all the important points so they are symetrical. To make the learning process faster, take a piece of paper and draw brows every day. If you are in the subway, at work, anytime you have some time on your plate just draw brows, it will help you and make the drawing process faster.

drawing braw shapes permanent makeupPin this image on Pinterest

symetrical brow ruler

Related read:

How to shape perfect brows

Lingerist most valued trait

When I had my brows done it took 1h to draw the shape I wanted. I was very grateful Ewa insisted on telling her what is not ok, she didn’t want me to be polite and say it looks perfect when she could see on my face that something was bothering me.

Should you become a lingerist – how to make money & how to promote

If you feel like earning 100k per month might be worth some training than become a lingerist. You don’t have to be the best at the beginning, nobody is, but train, go to seminars, masterclasses and you will get there. If you can’t be the cheapest, be the most expensive, build a nice portfolio and promote yourself.

Promote on social media- using the right hashtags, so people can find u. Forget about #brows #permanentmakeup- you will never be found this way – narrow it down so you can reach people in your area. I drove 4h to get my brows done. I wouldn’t let just anybody mess with my face and see the consequences for the next 1.5 years.

Promote on social media with paid ads, if you don’t know how to do it, either hire someone to do it right or get this course and learn how to do it yourself.


Most of the people who are successful didn’t took the traditional path, that is why they are successful.


Lingerist training & certification

Needle- it only goes 0.5mm under the skin so you cant possibly harm nobody. You pigment the first layer on the skin to draw the shape you drawn with pencil. Once its done you put anesthesia, so the client can comfortably lay not feeling the pain you gonna serve them for the next hour or so. Whole micro-pigmentation process takes many many layers to get the pigment under the skin which means you cant possibly screw it up if you stay in lines and you know what you are doing.

right after micro pigmentation lingeristPin this image on Pinterest

Also you need to take at least a 3-day training. You need to practice with a professional looking at your work so you can learn how to do it right. It is not science fiction and it will give you a lot of satisfaction that you made someones day or even a year. Everday I wake up and look at my brows I am glad I found Ewa and she made my brows. Even though I dont do makeup this days when I look at my pictures from the beach my brows are alway on point, which make the whole face look better.

Read more brow related posts here:

How to shape perfect brows

My first micropigmentation

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Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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