Blogging tools you are going to fall in love with

To succeed with blog you need 4 ingredients.


★ Content ★

You need to content that provides value – whatever it might mean. Some websites are purely for fun (we all watch funny videos, read jokes, watch movies, there is definitely a big need for fun content). Some blogs give insightful reviews (whenever people need to make a purchase decision they do look for reviews it can be drone, holiday attractions or which juicer is worth your money). Others are inspirational (ideas for dinner, makeup, manicure, hairstyle, interior design ect). Sometimes people just look for information “how to…start a blog…make money online…instal plugin ect). Whatever category your blog is you need to provide value so people you attract will come back again for more and stay.

★★Traffic ★★

You need to attract traffic. There is no point of writing blogposts if no one is going to read it. Pinterest is a huge, free traffic provider.

★★★ Monetization strategy ★★★

You need to have a monetization strategy. More about it in this post.

★★★★Technology ★★★★

You need a reliable technology, your blog must be mobile responsive as 80% of traffic is mobile traffic. Beautiful mobile responsive theme is very important factor. Your website need to be up and running and loading fast, every minute of every day – get a reliable hosting provider. Blog promotion is an ongoing thing, when you stop promoting your content, it is going to disappear, as competition is fierce and new fresh updated content is being published every day. Use a scheduling tool and know the rules on social media platforms you are going to use.

My blogging tools recommendations:

Blog Hosting

I recommend Siteground, after using their service for a year. I had no problems, customer service always available, knowledgable and helpful.

Web Hosting


Blog Theme

Kotryna Bass Design offer beautiful and mobile responsive themes. Just have a look.

bass design theme



Pinterest Scheduling/Management

Pinterest is a traffic provider and can bring you millions of page-views if you know how to use the platform. With Pin Me App you can either automate your pining schedule or use the Pinterest Consulting services for additional advice (done with you) how to drive more traffic from Pinterest. Pinterest Management services (done for you) are for those who want to outsource Pinterest Management and get the best results.

pin me app logo



Help with anything from post writing to setting up Google search console.

Make sure to check out as well:

How to start a profitable online business
Pinterest strategy I used to go from 700 page-views to 8500 in 2 months
How to choose the right hosting for your blog
70+ places to promote your posts


Save on Pinterest:

blogging tools recommendations


Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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