December blogging income report

Hello and welcome to my second blogging report (click here to see the first one). I have been blogging for 11 months now and I finally started seeing some progress. The reason I say finally is that I decided to start a blog after reading an income report of a blogger who makes over $100k monthly with her blog (and she is just 28 years old). You can read the story here.

Saying that I was blogging for the past 11 months is a big thing to say as I only posted 39 posts as of today. Although I wasn’t posting regularly and I am never satisfied with the outcome of how my posts look like I managed to get them out there anyway.

During the past 11 months, I have been investing a lot of time in analyzing different bloggers. The way they advertise, what they post etc etc and mainly how their stats look like. You can find how I analyze bloggers here.


December Achievements

Last month I had a major increase in the page views. I hit the 1mln reach on Pinterest and crossed the 500 daily pageviews mark (565 to be exact – screen below).  It would not have happened if I haven’t made the decision of creating instead of just watching others succeed. Last month I have created a list of all the things I read that made sense to me to do and started doing. I will be honest, it takes an incredible amount of work, time and effort to improve what was wrong. I am so amazed by the results that I can’t believe why I haven’t done it earlier.  I am going to improve more and more as I definitely have a really long “to-do” list.

I need to share some charts with you so you know what I have in mind:

December stats allthestuffIcareaboutPin this image on Pinterest


Not only have I started seeing increasing page views constantly but I also noticed increasing AdSense revenue.


I always had a passion for finding deals, I love using Groupon for beauty (fitness, hair and spa).

I use HotelsTonight, Skyscanner, Hotwire and more for discounted travel (more on travel here). Did you know you can travel for free (and not be a travel blogger, there is a ton of opportunities for free accommodation, food and discounted travel and activities – just have a look here)

I use Ebates for everything I buy online. When I signed up I knew I will not make a lot of money from it but I did make some. It cost me nothing.

I use MealPal for lunches and dinners. This saves me a lot of time I can use on the blog.

I use MoviePass for cheap daily access to cinemas. I watched 10 movies in the first month so it is like $1 per movie, much cheaper than when I rent from YouTube (sorry, Prime and Netflix never have the movies I want to watch. I should post what I watch at some point cause I do really love watching movies and series:)

I use Hooch (from time to time) for drinks. Definitely not now on Accutane (read here if you ever wondered how it is to be on Accutane)

and the list goes on.


I also open bank accounts/credit cards to get sign up bonus. So with the bank bonus, I would definitely say that it is an easy and well-paid option to make some additional money. I have read an article a few days ago posted by a guy who listed all the bank bonuses he got in 2017 and it was over $3k- awesome! Although it very much depends on where you live as most of the banks he opened accounts in were not in NY.

Should I post my blogging income report?


If you think why I want to publish my blogging report the reason is simple, this is the type of post I love to read most. I feel inspired by others results and journey. I wasn’t posting earlier as there was nothing to post. I had 20 page-views a day and now it is 300/day. It all changed when I finally spent (and am still spending, in fact I can’t see the end:) the needed time and update my blog).

Before I decided to buy a hosting and domain I knew very little about blogging compared to all the research I’ve done so far. I was reading blogs and I had an idea of how it works but I have learned so much more and it opened my eyes to ways I would probably never think of. If it wasn’t the income reports posted by other bloggers I probably never would have started.


How were my past 11 months of blogging?


I started my blog on Jan 31st, 2017

I have published 38 posts in 9 categories :

MONEY – 7 posts

RABBITS – 8 posts
BEAUTY – 6 posts
TRAVEL – 5 posts
BLOGGING – 5 posts
FASHION – 5 posts (I am not sure the category for this post is right but may need to think it through)
FOOD – 4 posts
NYC – 4 posts
INTERIORS – 1 post


My WordPress stats:

December stats allthestuffIcareaboutPin this image on Pinterest

My Pinterest stats:

1mln Pinterest reach allthestufficareaboutPin this image on Pinterest




Allthestufficareabout December 2017 Pinterest stats- AllPin this image on Pinterest



Allthestufficareabout December m 2017 Pinterest stats- ImpressionsPin this image on Pinterest

Allthestufficareabout December m 2017 Pinterest stats- ImpressionsPin this image on Pinterest


People you reach

Allthestufficareabout December 2017 Pinterest stats- ReachPin this image on Pinterest

Allthestufficareabout December 2017 Pinterest stats- ReachPin this image on Pinterest




Allthestufficareabout December 2017 Pinterest stats- AudiencePin this image on Pinterest

Allthestufficareabout December m 2017 Pinterest stats- AudiencePin this image on Pinterest


What I am most happy about is that I had an amazing spike in page views and crossed two milestones (500 page views/day and 1mln reach on Pinterest).


My December plans & how I did?

Increase page views to 6k/month – passed, over 8.5k

write a post to almost every category, I currently plan to do following:

MONEY: Mystery shopping/guide to credit cards how to travel for less check

RABBITS: Rabbits in the snow. Bunny winter – check (Bunnies rocking Christmas costumes)

BEAUTY: My Accutane journey. I have started Accutane 1.5months ago and I wanted to write about how I feel, which cosmetics are my go to right now (trust me wasn’t easy to find good ones) check

TRAVEL: I want to summarize all the sites and gadgets that are my go-to for travel. Like a travel recommendation – check

BLOGGING: this is it:) well, that was easy

FASHION: chic winter outfits – maybe later, not feeling it right now

FOOD: what to eat when you told yourself you won’t eat dairy, meat, candy and processed foods as it is better for your skin this way.

I did the challenge wasn’t eating dairy meat and processed foods but I wasn’t feeling like I eat healthy anyway – I wasn’t eating anything but fruits and veggies. I will try again.

NYC: How to live without washing machine, all the weird things you need to know before relocating to NYC / life in NYC – definitely want to write it so you can expect at some point, I will link it here once done as well

INTERIORS: No posts here.


I am not planning to write the plans for Jan, you would have to see for yourself as I have a lot of started topics, as well as, I want to improve my old posts and I have new ideas every day.

So, how I did financially for the past month?


Adsense: $20.55

If you do not have an app to track your revenue download it ASAP it is so motivating 🙂 If you look at the amounts you will see I made total of $9 in my first 10 months of blogging and now I made over $20 in just one month. This would not have happened if I didn’t get the traffic on my blog.

App View :

Adsense Revenue 5 Jan 2018Pin this image on Pinterest


Desktop view:


Adsense RevenuePin this image on Pinterest


In the past month, I had 10 162 views (anyone knows why Adsense shows 10k whilst WordPress 8.5k?), which led to over 70k impressions and 130 clicks. This generated $20.55 of passive income. Page RPM with Adsense is $2.02. My immediate goal is to reach 30k page views a month and move my ads to Mediavine where RPM is on average $11 as it gives over 5 times bigger revenue per month. Have I mentioned, this is totally passive income?

Affiliates: no income in Dec. I currently use following:

Avin – just joined


Share A Sale

Sponsored content:

I am not writing any sponsored content hence no income here.


So what changes I have applied this past month that generated 255%(Dec) and 430%.(Nov) increase in pageviews? Like I mentioned earlier I have created an ebook. It is not a 100-pages ebook I used to buy to find a couple of sentences that actually made sense. It is very condensed and to the point. I have only done the things I mention in my ebook and saw great results. I do see a big value in it but only if you are going to implement the strategy I share. If you are not planning to implement than do not buy it. Better to spend the money on something else. It is a step by step improvement plan. Seeing the results I would have definitely pay for the ebook $100 as I know that is a good investment. I am although offering my ebook at a much lower price. Click

  and get a copy for you. Do not waste 10 months to see results as I did.

I never knew why all bloggers have much bigger traffic than me but now I understand and am happy to share it with you.

How did you do in December? If you haven’t started a blog yet, here is a post I wrote to help you find the right hosting provider. Did you know you can have a blog from $1.95/month? (and If you only start implementing my strategies you can start from making $20/month from Adsense). Do not think twice. For a small amount, you can start a business that will bring you a passive income. I should have started with my ebook. I wouldn’t have to spend so much time on improving all the mistakes I’ve done in the past year.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. Blog, Mail, Insta, Facebook, whichever way you prefer.

If you want to read another post here is the list of my Top Posts in Dec 2017

Top Posts All The Stuff I Care About Dec 2017Pin this image on Pinterest


Top Posts in 2017


Top posts December AllthestuffIcareAboutPin this image on Pinterest

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Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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