
This is very long post with 80 videos about growth. I divided them in 4x 20 videos sections, so don’t watch it all at once. This are all TikTok videos that are max 60secs long. Make sure to bookmark and come back to the post whenever you need.



Best quotes


Meaning of feelings


Growing rapidly


Trust your instincts


Enjoy the joirney not the destination


lady gaga

I don’t like wasting my time spending days just shaking peoples hands and smiling and taking selfies. It feels shallow to my existence, I have a lot more to offer than my image. I don’t like being used to make people money. I feel sad when I am overworked. I started to say no. I am not doing that. I don’t want to do that. I am not taking that picture. I am not going to that event. I am not standing by that cause thats not what i stand for and slowly but surely i remembered who I am. And then you go home, look in the mirror and you are like YES i can go to bed with you every night


Disgust with your decision, 

decision – enough is enough

micro habit – i can make a little progress today



life shows you what you focus on. change your belief system, make a list of all positive encounters with man before you sleep. 

see red/blue things exercise


do weird shit, don’t give a fuck

you won’t die


Failing is growth



No more hiding, don’t be afraid for going after what you want. Don’t be afraid of asking for a sale and be rejected



Prep and generate an infinite amount of belive in yourself first before getting on video


dan pena

Press yourself hard. what u do to scare yourself everyday. get out of your comfort zone, change of reality,


i thought everybody had self esteem like i did. i thought everybody had self confidence like i did. i was fucking wrong. virtually none of you is like that. kids are not programmed for success. kids dont do what they parents tell them to do, they do what they parents do


Positive self talk, build confidence and credibility. to be successful in anything you first have to have confidence in yourself and credibility


if i tell you to do sth i want never have to think about it again, take action immediately, you have to be sharp af. your processing must be faster, understand concepts quicker


some problems dont have to be solved, just a truth to be accepted


Confident people:

  1. don’t ask for approval
  2. don’t judge other people
  3. don’t avoid conflicts
  4. don’t make excuses
  5. don’t quit


ignorance >>Doubt >>worry >>fear >>anxiety >> suppression >> depression >> disease

we don’t die we kill ourselves



jacob sapochnick

How to be more Confident

  1. don’t underestimate power of visualization
  2. use affirmations often, install beliefs about yourself
  3. do one thing that scares you every single day
  4. take 100 days rejection challenge
  5. find someone to help, helping other people boost our self confidence and make us feel more powerful


stop waiting. God won’t give you things you didn’t prepare yourself for



don’t even bother trying to avoid mistakes. you are gonna make tons of mistakes. the important thing is to learning quickly from whatever mistake you made and not giving up


hardships prepare ordinary people to extraordinary destiny. no matter what youve gone through, no matter how hard it was. it was shaping you into the person you can become. pain, suffering, hardship all of that makes you tougher. literally in the difficulty you find how much you are capable of. in suffering you find out how resilient you are. its in the pain you can rise up and get tough


tripple why technique

Ask yourself why 3 times


Grateful for the things that didn’t work out. universe was like no booo you deserve better


Being unattached to outcome and how it looks like, keep focusing on giving and growing, keep focusing on loving people and yourself, you are goong to attract the right things to your life


deal with whats in front of you move through it, around it, keep moving forward


if someone lets you down let it go. a lot of people will give you nothing in return. give without expectation


heartbreak is the best thing that can happen to you. you cant depend on other people for happiness. self worth come from within. you will learn so much about yourself being single- passions, hobbies, you will develop much deeper sense of empathy for other people. you’ll realize this person wasn’t right for you and discover qualities you really want in your partner and once you take yourself from that hole of sadness and depression you will realize you can do anything


Expectations hurt. i don’t rely on anybody i enjoy being alone. i always feel happy. i don’t expect nothing from anybody


Do it scared. when did you decided that being scared means don’t do it? who taught you that? when i get that adrenaline, take fucking action, idea to action should be zero time wasted. thats the difference between trying and doing


changed my outlook on the way that i think

Get rid of scarcity- buying a bed. why u send me 2 beds when you already know which one you want more. you think and walk in scarcity when you consider cheeper bed. you are afraid that by spending that extra few dolars that you wont have enough for sth else but when you do that you buy things or receive things that are not of the quality that you believe you deserve. so than your undercutting yourself. you walk in scarcity and thats what youll attract


Respect your boundaries 

  1. before saying yes say you need time to think
  2. do not laugh at disrespectful jokes
  3. if you have a boundary violation bring it up
  4. clarify to yourself what acceptable treatment is
  5. name your boundaries explicitly and directly


don’t look up on anything nor don’t look down on anything

you don’t suck up to anything, nor you spit on anything

just learn to accept life the way it is

see the reality just the way it is

if you look at life just the way it is, everything every human being is unique

if you experience the uniqueness of life

it will never get old for you nor will you get old for this world


you got to enjoy the process, Be grateful when you get to 50k, 100k, 300k, 1m, 2m

a lot of people stay pissed off when you are right now. if you pissed off where you are right now you will never be a milionaire

principle of success- god require gratitude

the more you greatful for the more god will give you to be grateful for


Because im great at what i do- nicki


Stop worrying 

you don’t know enough to worry

you have no idea what is going to happen in 5 minutes, tomorrow, week or year from now

worrying wont ad a day to your life


ptsd and trauma- bag of trash

each one represents a memory, as you go on with your life it starts overflowing

they emotionally overwhelm you and you can’t focus on the rest of your life


get good at scary stuff- public speaking, live video



forgiveness can set you free from someone who caused you pain

hot peace of coal example

when you realise sth is hurting you you can hild onto it or let it go and stop the pain before it gets worse

at the end of the day you decide what you want to do with it


You need dirt/rejection/toxic to develop


Surround yourself with the right people, hold you to a higher standard


thank you for not loving me the way i deserved

thank you for not choosing me

thank you for not being a person i hoped you would be

because you gave me a gift thats greater that i could ever imagine

you gave me a gift of wake up call to my worth

allowing me to see for the first time in a long time

exactly who i was meant to be

allowing me to see exactly who i could be

allowing me to find happiness within myself

greater than anything i have ever known


Suffering is ego


Real reason why you need to suffer- you have to realise that sometimes you are too good

where to stop being too good


If u are not hungry to grow there will be people hungrier than you and they will pass you by

hungry to learn, grow, make an impact

hunger focus measurement

a lot of people dont measure their results, so they dont know if they are winning or losing


Add 1 winner friend cut 1 looser friend

gary vee


everybody isnt gonna like you, things are gonna hurt, noone cares, you have the ability to do anything you want, things people do to you arent personal, arent about you, its about them

get out of your feelings, and get to your focus


the moment you realise the next step isnt going to kill you

that is the step to evolving, changing, growing, learning, becoming the best version of yourself

thats the most beautiful thing, its not going to kill you

putting yourself in the game you give yourself an opportunity

to achieve sth that everyone though it was impossible


the hardest thing about the change is not making the same choice you did a day before

and the moment you decide that you no longer think the same way, make the same choice

act the same way, create the same experience or live by the same emotion

its going to feel uncomfortable, its going to feel unfamiliar

there is going to be certain amount of uncertainty and unpredictability 

the moment you feel uncomfortable you just stepped into the river of change

the best way to predict your future is to create it


you sit in shit too long it stop smelling, so come the fuck out of there


get rid of fake friends, true friends come when you reveal your true self. everyone tries to be a 7 with everyone


does everyone becomes successful? no, only those who go after it. decide to do everything to the best of your abilities


i find it unattractive when you talk bad about other people


would you like to be healthier and in better shape?

eat well and exercise

people are looking for a hack coz they dont want to put in the work

Put in the work


don’t hide your fears, expose them

the levarage is in being accountable in everything

the laverage is exposing your weaknesses

many of yuo are losing coz you keep your fears and poisons inside

throw all the sceletons out there

8 mile gary vee eminem


stop avoiding and doing busy things, stop scrolling ig and watching yt

you are procrastinating

life goes in flash, how fast the last 5 yesrs went by, its not gonna get easier

if you want it go after it, embrace it and make it happen


frustration means you are about to have a breakthrough


Accept life the way it is, stop asking why



dont live wih regrets – selena


there is no losing, only learning

there is no failure, only opportunities

there is no problems, only solutions

failure is the mother of all the success

all we can do is learn, come back bigger, better, stronger

if you are always winning you dont really understand what it means to win

you gotta take those losses, those hits, ups and downs so when it finally happens you are wow



24 people applied for job, 23 got it only jack ma didnt

you will fail at some point in your life, accept it

fail 100 times to succeed 1

you have to fail in order to climb the ladder

if you don’t fail you are not even trying

fail, pick yourself up and fail again, withouth struggle what is success anyway

failure is just that thing trying to move you in another direction


biggest lesson you got

always follow your gut

a lot of things is going to distract you

opinions that you might look up too when yuo first go into it and than you realise they dont know shit

your intuition, yur gut is never wrong and it knows what you want faster than you do


everyday that we go out we are gonna make a $10 bet, the person who approaches the most women gets the money, not the person who gets the most phone numbers

i was so scared of getting rejected that i wouldnt say hi

when the goal became not to get the phone number, but the goal is to do the action i ended up getting the result i wanted anyway     !


People who stay focused the longest win


there is very few people who don’t get to that point in their 20 or 30 when everything they knew becomes distant to them and they rethink their life, think of how they want it to play out. take it as an opportunity to write the next chapter


Silence the inner bitch

help others, make money, live a life of impact


someone did you wrong, let it go

they will ruin more of your life if you allow them to invade yur mind like a virus

best revenge is moving on, letting go

be strong enough to enjoy your life

live your life fully, regardless of what happens or who isnt doing the right thing by you

let them have their accidents somewhere else


you control your mental state

thats shocking news to 98% of population

people who don’t do personal development they don’t realize that how they feel is within their control

they actually think there is some invisible man or something that is making them feel this

they have no control over it

can you imagine going through life having no control of how you feel, that would be awful, like being a leaf in the wind as opposed to the wind

i wanna be the wind

jason capital


take risks, try different things, see what you really want to do, its not easy to be happy all the time, but try


gary vee

U will never win a game someone loves more than you

you want results fast because you want to show to other people that you won, you do it because someone told you or made money this way


kervin rae

get a needle leave it on a magnet and leave it for 24h- what happened- the needle is the magnet- thats how strong influence 5 people around you have on you

be really conscious about who you surround yourself with


kervin rae

when catepilar wants to get out of the cocun, and yuo help open it, butterflies dies, the way its develops is through the struggle

it is the struggle that forces the blood into the wings so he can spread them and fly

stop protecting yourself from pain and struggle

pain is how you grow


beautiful thing about bad relationship is they force you to grow

any relationship will help you grow

but the more conscious you are in a bad relationship the faster you are going to grow


when you start to realize that most people are completely full of shit

if you could see their shortcoming which they are hiding with immense amount of effort you would think differently about them and yourself


stop cheating on your future with your past, its over


most people don’t realize that their whole life they have been programming their mind to be a loser

you never hit a goal when you have a negative self talk

you procrastinate every day, you lie to yourself everyday

you say you gonna start a diet, you don’t, you say you gonna make more money you don’t

but its all in your subconscious so you are not even aware that you don’t like yourself

you will never be successful if you worry more about the outside rather than the inside


whatever state we are in we have a bias to stay in this state, we don’t like change

thats why most people live life of mediocrity

you have to make a true commitment to always be in control of your state and rapidly changing your state

jason capital stand up exercise


if you ever feel unsure about anything remember, if its not a hell yes than its a no



10/10/10 worksheet

10- most exciting desires

10- most grateful for

10- love to do


what should i not be doing


Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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