Self love and healing

35 of the best TikTok videos about self love and healing. This are max 60 secs long


How to heal and endure the pain

you don’t want to be lonely so you call your ex, friend, watch netflix, take any drug to distract yourself from that feeling

anything you do to get away from that feeling, thats exactly what keeps the void there and it makes it bigger and bigger

next time you feel lonly stay with it let it flow, dont manipulate it by putting ex, achievements, netflix over it

you will cry and heal


how many days you felt so strong, so empowered that you were finally done with them

and than the loneliness kinks in, the hurt, the memories

and then you reach right back to them

if you can just endure the pain little bit longer

if you can just resist the urge to reach out to them to answer their message you wont have to keep starting over again

you would be that much closer to healing

to finding your worth to finally moving on and letting go

is the pain you are feeling right now if worth reaching out


he didn’t give a fuck about you, let him go. 

there is going to be guilt and pain

you are going to hurt him when you move on

but when you move on and release the could’ve, should’ve

you release your past and when you release your past every fucking door to your future, to your freedom

to your happiness, to your purpose, to your brilliance and everything that is coming to you blasts open

Let him go. Release your past

you are strong woman and your man already loves you you may not see him yet but he is coming to you so open the door


We cannot control when we meet the one.

but we are in control of how many people we meet and how quickly we let go of someone who is the wrong one


sometimes the reason why good things are not happening to you is because You are the good thing that needs to happen to other people


god is not trying to hurt you or break you but redesign you



your guides are begging you to let go of certain people, someone who is taking too much room in your mind

right now you cant download new experiences, new lovers, new things to be excited about when you are at max capacity

your mind is congested you need to blow your mind like its your nose

get off the hamster wheel

mindfulness is about locking into a higher frequency that is working for your higher good

but having this person on replay all day long is actually obstructing your view and not allowing you to see what else is possible

and i know its gonna be painful, trust the unfolding, trust what universe has in store for you


if you’ve been in pain for long

experiment with water and juice

stain water

good thought, feelings, food, happiness

the stain water have to come up and out when you give yourself those good thing

remember you are always heeling


what is your leak – ducktape


a rock bottom is sth that you choose, there can always be sth worse or more harmful if you keep digging. you have to make decision to put down that shovel and climb up

when are you gonna stop digging, coz its really tiring



12 steps to self-care

  1. If it feels wrong don’t do it
  2. Say exactly what you mean
  3. Don’t be a people pleaser
  4. Trust your instincts
  5. Never speak bad about yourself
  6. Never give up on your dreams
  7. Don’t be afraid to say no
  8. Don’t be afraid to say yes
  9. Be kind to yourself
  10. Let go of what you can’t control
  11. Stay away from drama and negativity
  12. Love


Stay present. if you are angry you are living in the past. if you are worrying you are living in the future. if you are content you are living in the present and whats when life make sense


when you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better, you start to attract better, it starts with you


Love yourself as much as you live toxic man with big dick


fuck everyone, ill marry myself


what man are looking for – boundaries- woman who knows who she is, what she stands for, what she wants and how she wants to be treated. thats the line and you just crossed it, im not gonna be mad or angry for it but if you keep crossing this line you will lose me, spending time with me is a privilege that has to be earned. its a gift because i appreciate how you treat me


you and me always forever


Positive self talk. you have so much light around you, you are so loved, so beautiful, your presence is loud, so bomb, don’t allow other people to bring you down. you have so much talent you bring to this world, you are it! you are so beautiful and amazing, start seeing it yourself


no 1 confidence tip

i talk to this person in the mirror like she is my best friend- i should value, love and respect

this person- only person who will be with me 24/7, i hype her up, cheer her up, i tell her how beautiful strong and smart

i never criticize her. she is my best friend


date in nyc, secret to happiness is letting go. no matter how much you revisit the past it has nothing new to say



you keep letting people to your life who treat you poorly until you prioritize yourself. go as hard for yourself as you do for people who dont deserve you


take care of your health, its the only body we have, mental, emotional, physical health. without health we wont be able to pursue our dreams for long time


Let the past burn, don’t bring the baggage to your future. there is not enough energy, look at your future vision goals where you want to go


Let everything go. allow universe to make way for sth new to enter. fully surrender to the fact that you didn’t get your way, just be present, let everything go, aren’t you tired of trying to edit a chapter that already been published

its time for new season


You are destined for greatness 

  1. not afraid of asking questions
  2. not afraid of taking risks
  3. you are optimistic
  4. you enjoy helping others
  5. you have unwavering confidence


if you don’t love yourself you will keep chasing people who don’t love you either


how to heal: Forgive yourself!!  it wasn’t your fault what happened to you


kanye’s announcement is a great reminder that man look at job description and think- hey im not remotely qualified but i think i could do that


competing with other woman just wastes a lot of time and im not very good at it


Take care of your brain make sure you control it, not the other way round. your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world – goggings



start the day by giving yourself a hug

hug yourself

thank your body for all that its doing

thank your mind for all the work that its doing


5 things to Quit



trying to make everyone happy

living in the past

doubting yourself


Self worth 

not a single bitch in the world can make me jealous over a guy whose face i already set on, so honestly i’m good love, have fun, leave me alone, cause i don’t care


you’ll continue to be self destructive

until you love yourself enough to stop

and i know that thats not an easy thing to do

but its the only way so you might as well start now


its not your job to uplift others. its your job to Uplift yourself, than the ones surrounding will be uplifted



Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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