Should you invest in Pinterest Scheduler

Should you invest in Pinterest Scheduler? Case study on my example.

Hi there! if you started blogging recently and feel like this is kinda overwhelming I want to show you on my example how you can make money with your blog faster than you think.

For a very very long time I thought I need to get to 25k views to start making money by monetizing with Mediavine. Only last week I realized there is another ad provider that pays similar but have much lower entry threshold – only 10k page views.

Ok, ok, if you only have 20 people a day on your blog because you just started I get you, I was in your shoes for a very long time- for 10 months to be exact. 

So normal person would probably already give up- how come you put all this effort and see no cash/results.


I guess what makes people successful is that they don’t give up, they are willing to stay in the uncomfortable situation longer than others. 

Feeling uncomfortable is the key to success. People don’t grow in comfort zones.


So after 10 months I came to conclusion I will never make $100k like Michelle if I won’t get 400k pageviews on my site- per month! There was a huge gap between 700 and 400k so I decided I need to work on the traffic generation.

It doesn’t matter how great your content/product is if nobody sees it- you need to show it to the right people.

There were some schedulers available but the set up was too time consuming and I was lucky to know the automation expert who wrote a code for me and within a week the prototype of my app was up and running. 

First month I grew my page views from 700 to 3300. A wooping 420% growth in the first month. I could not believe this grew so fast.

Next month I got 8500 page-views. At this point I knew that I need to make this app available for everybody. I knew the pain of not having traffic and if I had something that works why not share it with everybody? Working on PinMeApp became my passion and I quit working for a bank to be able to work on my app full time.

So if back then I knew about Monumetric I would have started making money within 5 months. Not huge money but the investment would pay off.

Here is the math.

before using PinMeApp – 700 views

1st month – 3300

2nd – 8500

3rd – 6200

4th – 6700

5th – 13000

So for 5 months x $10 for the subscription I would have spent $50

Now, Monumetric pays similarly to Mediavine which is between $10 and $15 per 1000 page views

So in the 5th month when I had 13000 pageviews I would have made $130 -$200 with Monumetric. That would pay off the $50 app investment plus I would make $80-150 ad income. 

I will be honest. I did not spend much time on my blog nor Pinterest when my app was running. I was busy working on PinMeApp front end and functionality to make it a product and become what it is right now.

That said, if you have great content, right followers and keep adding content and creating fresh pins you may get way better results.

I asked in a fb group why bloggers invested in the scheduler. And the response I got was pretty much what I expected:

  • save time
  • be consistent (ensure content is being pinned daily)

Now if you are thinking a $50 is a huge amount to invest – I’ll be honest with you, don’t bother with blogging nor starting any buiness because if you are not willing to invest you will not grow your business.

As you see on my example investing $10 in the first month brought me 2800 page views- imagine how much I would have to spend on ads?!

The $10 monthly investment saves you about 30 hours of time if you were to spend on Pinterest pinning content manually to all your boards.

You would not do it as efficient as the app does it. If you have less than 30 pins– scheduler is not for you, you need to have content on your site to drive traffic to. If you have 2 posts on your site you will not build the trust of your readers. If people leave your site quickly it sends a signal to google that your site “stinks” and people run away.

Now the 30h that you will save thanks to scheduler invest in writing great content and learning.

Another tip: do not put google adsense ads on your site, here is why.

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When I saw this screen I was terrified as it never looked this way on my phone. Google Adsense will not bring you money that is worth having your site look like that.


To me I am not successful unless you are. So if you start using PinMeApp, get the results and tell me about it only then I will see that my work was not a waste of time, but I played a small role in your success.

Who knows maybe one day you will be another Michelle/or other successful blogger eg Jackson!. I am mentioning Michelle because she played this role in my life. If it wasn’t her success I would never started a blog and then app:)

I create more Pinterest related blogposts on PinMeApp blog, but as I wanted to show the example for this blog, that is why you found it here.

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Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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