When and why you need a Pinterest scheduler

Want to drive more traffic to your website? How to automate pinning? When to start using Pinterest scheduler?

If you have an online business than you definitely understand the importance of traffic. You do not work on your content, product, service just to enjoy it for yourself. The more clients or visitors you can attract the more money you can make with your online business.

Having a business allows you to work in many areas. If you have a blog you not only are writing posts, but also do the marketing, social media, sales, technical aspects and many many more. So as much as you can outsource all of it, you should pick the areas that you own and outsource the rest. Some people do everything by themselves and others outsource everything.

Pinning is a very time-consuming activity and doing it manually makes no sense. But you should not outsource it too early in the process. In the video below I am giving an example of when you should start using Pinterest scheduler.

Pinterest scheduler can automate pinning to all your boards, in other words all your feeds. Each board is its own feed. Each board has a different group of followers. That is why this is very important to pin to all your boards.

Pinning same pins over and over is spammy and you should avoid it at all costs. That is why you should create at least 30 posts, with 4 pins per post and be able to pin to at least 20-30 boards – yours and group boards. If you have 120 pins as in this example and you are pinning 1 pin a day to all your boards then it would take 120 days for the same pin to be repinned to the same board. If you pin 3 times a day than it will take 40 days.

But do not stop with the 30 posts, 120 pins and 20-30 boards. Create new posts, new pins for the new posts and the existing ones and apply to more group boards. This will give you more content and more Pinterest views which will lead to more traffic on your website.

Many bloggers who started their blogging journey recently are surprised why they do not have a lot of traffic, like the established bloggers. Well the difference is, you may have 30 blog posts and the established blogger, who monetizes their blog every month may already have 600 blog posts.

Just think of it this way. If you go to Porsche salon, how many potential customers do you see there? And now go to Walmart. The bigger selection you offer the more people you can attract, online business works the same way. So I am not saying you can’t make money blogging having very narrow niche, you can, but you will never have as big traffic as the lifestyle websites.

Does everyone want to have a Porsche, definitely not, either do not want or cant afford. But how many people are interested in recipes, food ideas, probably 80% of the population, so here you go. The more content you put out there the bigger the chance your traffic will grow.


  • If you are new to my blog, check out the about me section to see how I was able to grow my blog’s traffic with my Pinterest scheduler.


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Hi, my name is Joanna, I created meal plans that cover 100% RDI of ALL nutrients with whole foods (no supplements!!) and I am sharing how to do it in my Nutrition Mastery membership. It allowed me to eliminate nutrient deficiencies and reverse my body age by 14 years and feel like 15 year old teenager again.

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